10 desserts Healthy no sugar ideas

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Healthy Oatmeal Muffins (No Flour No Sugar No Oil)

Healthy Oatmeal Muffins (No Flour No Sugar No Oil) -   10 desserts Healthy no sugar ideas

Healthy Oatmeal Muffins (No Flour No Sugar No Oil) – CookPed Th?s gluten-free healthy muff?ns rec?pe uses no flour, no sugar, and no o?l but st?ll produces mo?st, del?c?ous muff?ns. Custom?ze to make your favor?te muff?n flavors. Ingred?ents 2 ? cups old-fash?oned oats ( 1.5 cups ground, 1 cup whole) 2 Tbsp old-fash?oned oats for muff?n tops 2-3 large overr?pe bananas (1 cup mashed or or 1 cup applesauce) 2 large eggs, l?ghtly beaten (can use flax eggs) 1/3 cup honey 3/4 cup m?lk (or non-da?ry m?lk) 2 tsp real van?lla 2 tsp bak?ng powder 1/2 tsp bak?ng soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp c?nnamon muff?n t?n Instruct?ons Preheat oven to 325°F to toast oats. Place oats on a bak?ng sheet and toast unt?l l?ghtly browned, st?rr?ng once (about 4 to 6 m?nutes). Let cool to room temperature. (?f you are ?n a hurry you can sk?p the toast?ng step, however the toast?ng adds flavor!) D?v?de oats ?nto port?ons of 1.5 cups, 1 cup and 2 Tbsp Turn oven heat up to 350°F degrees to bake the muff?ns. Place 1.5 cups of oats ?n a food processor and blend/pulse unt?l they reach a rough, flour l?ke cons?stency. Mash bananas well, they should have no lumps. ? use my m?xer to mash them before add?ng the other wet ?ngred?ents. Add eggs, honey, m?lk and van?lla. M?x to comb?ne. Add dry ?ngred?ents (?nclud?ng the ground oats and 1 cup whole oats) to wet ?ngred?ents and m?x unt?l just ?ncorporated. Allow these to s?t for 10 m?nutes to soak the oats. Opt?onal: Fold ?n 1/2 cup fru?t, ra?s?ns, or nuts. Scoop ?nto muff?n t?n, well greased or l?ned w?th parchment muff?n wrappers (makes 14 muff?ns). Spr?nkle muff?n tops w?th the 2 Tbsp of reserved oats, press l?ghtly to make sure they st?ck. Bake at 350°F for 20 -23 m?nutes. (Tops should spr?ng back when l?ghtly pressed and/or a toothp?ck ?nserted ?n the center of a muff?n should come out clean.) Recipe Adapted From brendid.com compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma,compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma,compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance. Tweet Share Yum Subscribe to receive free email updates:
