24 garden seating tea time ideas

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Bernideen’s Tea Time, Cottage and Garden: UNDERNEATH THE LACE UMBRELLA AGAIN for “Tea In The Garden” We have some lovely flowers blooming and they loved the Thursday warmer weather. And as I am backing up a little more and I see I didn’t get the lace bedcover on straight! Some of you remember when I found this table and umbrella frame last year in Colorado. Monday and Tuesday we found out that it can still get cold here in Missouri and it rained both days. The heat came back on inside our home. Finally, the sun came back out on Wednesday which was wonderful. We just love that sunshine don’t we? It looks like I forgot to use that new green vintage vase – maybe next time! As I set up a little tea time outside I remembered that our yard slopes down so I had to do a little straightening of my photos. In about a month we will be having some landscape work done here. This week we met with a nice man named Josiah who will be cleaning out our Koi Pond. As far as we know, it has never been cleaned and we see it needs a filtering system to keep it cleaner so he will be taking on the job. We were reading on line and realized we need some water flowing to keep the algae from growing (putting more oxygen in the water). This is the creek at the back of the yard where the birds bathe everyday! And some of the flowers blooming: Please do pour yourself a cup of tea! Stay a while and relax. I am sharing this post at : Vintage Charm and Saturday Showoff Tuesday Cuppa Tea Garden Bloggers Bloom Day I hope you will be participating in my “Tea In The Garden” blog party today by sharing below at the bottom link up. The instructions for this party are there. Also here is my logo for June 10th which will be my 100th “Tea In The Garden”. I hope you can participate on that day! Feel free to take the photo and post it on your blog if you like or include it in the posting. An InLinkz Link-up
