How to make a braided rug by old t-shirt

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Step 1: Cut It -   How to make a braided rug by old t-shirt

Here’s what you’ll need:
– 5-10 old t-shirts, depending on how big you want this rug (I used 5.5 for a small bedside rug)
– a pair of scissors
– needle and thread
– sewing machine (optional)

Step 1: Cut It

Step 1: Cut It -   How to make a braided rug by old t-shirt Step 1: Cut It -   How to make a braided rug by old t-shirt Step 1: Cut It -   How to make a braided rug by old t-shirt Step 1: Cut It -   How to make a braided rug by old t-shirt Step 1: Cut It -   How to make a braided rug by old t-shirt

Select a few old t-shirts from your closet, a thrift store, or your Aunt Marcy’s NASCAR t-shirt collection. I used 5.5 t-shirts to make a rug that is approximately 18″ in diameter, but if you have more time and patience than I do or if you want a bigger rug, you could use more shirts. Next step is to prepare the t-shirts by cutting them and turn them into yarn. I used a method that I found on YouTube but I took some photos of this step for here.

You will want to flatten the shirt out in front of you, but face it sideways so that one sleeve points toward you and the other points away from you. Next, measure out every 2 inches from the bottom seam of the shirt (which is on the left or right side now), all the way to under the sleeves of the shirt. Mark with chalk or something that won’t be obnoxiously permanent. You will want to start cutting on each mark or line you made, but leave 3-4 inches of the shirt still intact on the far side. Do this up to the sleeves, where you should cut all the way to the other seam. After you cut all of these lines, you can pick up the shirt and arrange it so it looks like a ribcage in front of you, as shown in the photos above. See that bit of fabric that you didn’t cut? Now you’re going to cut it diagonally so that you will end up creating one long piece of fabric from your t-shirt. This is really hard to explain, but as aforementioned, there are a crapload of YouTube videos explaining how to do this so feel free to search around if you need more coherent direction.

You should end up with a really long strip of fabric from your t-shirt. Stretch this out really, really well and wind it up into a ball so it is more manageable. Repeat for your other shirts.


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