23 small country decor ideas

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Crushing on~ Baskets

Crushing on~ Baskets -   23 small country decor

FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE: Crushing on~ Baskets Can you be in love with a basket? Maybe… Especially if it is chunky and full of character with a great size and shape and that can do double duty holding this and that and looking charming at the same time. This month’s French event is all about baskets. Honestly, I’m not sure that I have any baskets that are specifically ‘French’ but I do have a love of a baskets and love to use them in several ways around my home. Like this large basket used as a coffee table in the cottage or a stack of these baskets in the corner of living room But, of course, my basket love doesn’t stop there. Baskets are one of those things that are always stand outs when shopping and sometimes as I pick one up and look it over and start to imagine where it could go, I have to rationalize with myself about if I really ‘need’ to bring another home. I literally set a great basket back down just last week knowing I had one similar to it. And now I’m thinking about it and wondering if it’s at the thrift store… Am I the only one who does that? Enablers unite… 😉 So here are a few of my favorites and my favorite ways to use them. #1. Rolling along A chunky basket with handles and a beautiful finish and…better yet- it’s on.wheels. Yep, don’t know what it is about a basket on wheels- but I know I like it. I also love it’s soft weathered, whitewashed finish too. #2 Vintage baby baskets I have a couple vintage baby bed baskets that were thrift store finds and they are some of my favorites atop an armoire or cupboard. The ones I have are very vintage and fragile but usable in a simple way like for holding flowers. This one also has the perfect amount of pink and green chippiness coming through the old white paint. #3. Bicycle basket on a door This one is from the archive archives. But yes, it’s a bicycle basket on a door filled with flowers. Seriously simple and since it has that nice flat back for attaching to a bicycle it was a perfect style and size for door decor. #4. Bolga Basket What about a basket with a little bit of a different flair? Even though I love all things French or Cottage inspired- I do like to add a little pop of something different sometimes and this Bolga basket- was talking to me. Loudly. #5. Baskets as display and storage A favorite use for baskets is as storage, of course, they aren’t always just decorative. You can hide a multitude of sins inside the right basket- and maybe a multitude of perfume, make-up or toiletries too if you would like. In my bathroom, on the shelves inside that French armoire I have several chunky baskets that do double duty. There are a couple smaller ones for holding things like face cream, toothpaste and whatnot and a larger one for holding laundry. So not only are they working baskets ~ they are also so pretty on display. I love how they look and how much they can store things and keep them out of the way. I am joining these great blogs in sharing a love of baskets today- stop by and say hello to them. What about you? Do you have a favorite basket or a favorite way to use baskets? Happy Sunday everyone Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner


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