18 healthy holiday Tips ideas

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The Indulgent Girl’s Guide To Staying Slim Over The Holidays

The Indulgent Girl's Guide To Staying Slim Over The Holidays -   18 healthy holiday Tips ideas

How to stay healthy during the holidays. Healthy holiday tips, tricks, and more. #holidayhealth #healthy #holidays It all starts with the Halloween candy. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin beer, and pumpkin spice lattes you’re halfway through November with an eye towards Thanksgiving and find yourself with in hand. The time is near CHRISTMAS PARTIES ARE COMING! (Yay!) *This post may contain affiliate links to products or services we trust. We may receive a small commission when you purchase using these links at no extra cost to you.* While the holidays are a nostalgic, happy time to celebrate, they can be rough on a healthy lifestyle. Why wouldn’t it be, really!? So much delicious food and beverages, and the best part — exciting gatherings with family and friends. It’s no wonder why the *Danger Zone time period can wreak havoc on a waistline. *Danger Zone = October 31 to January 1 I’m here to say: THE STRUGGLE IS REAL! There’s no magic answers or easy solutions. I mean, willpower can only say no a Peppermint Mocha Latte so many times! But, have no fear Here’s a few ways to lessen the temptation, keep yourself accountable, and truly enjoy the splurges that you surely deserve during the holidays. 1.) Acknowledge a Goal Have a party? Know you’re hitting the bar later? When you recognize the event is going to present you with the long-awaited for finger foods of December, or the delicious cinnamon pumpkin ale, make sure to look at your entire day. Start with a goal for that day. Enjoy two solid, healthy meals leading up to the event. Go ahead and agree you’ve got a healthy, solid breakfast waiting on you the next morning. Putting other meals into perspective helps to acknowledge that the occasion in particular isn’t going to destroy everything. Instead, you’re going to set the goal of maintaining other healthy habits, notwithstanding the fun event on your calendar. It’ll help you keep things in perspective, and get back on track right away. 2.) Make a plate. Don’t graze! You’ll put down more calories that you intended. I recommend grabbing a plate and piling it high. Not only will you feel more satisfied this way, you get the visual appearance of a complete portion that will register with you such that you expect to feel satisfied afterwards. When you’re making a plate, sneak in a couple veggies and pieces of fruit on the plate. That way, you’re still getting the nutrients you know you’ll need. Your plate is sure to be more colorful, which will again help satisfy you and appeal to all your senses when you’re taking in your entire plate before chomping down. You deserve the delicious food, and you should enjoy it in moderation. Documenting in one spot (the plate) helps assess how much you are eating and enables the satisfied feeling that’s sure to come once you’ve consumed a meal. 3.) Hydrate! Water cures everything. It’s well documented the benefits of water consumption when trying to get healthy. And it’s one simple, easy step you can take throughout the holidays to ensure health and happiness. Drinking water before heading to a party is a helpful way to prevent arriving at a deficit. It single handedly helps cleanse you . . . AND helps prevent hangovers the following day. Seriously, just chug some water and thank yourself later. 4.) Recognize The Difference Between Healthy Splurge vs. Too Effing Much The note I’ll leave you with is to consider the difference between treating yourself to something that’s going to add to your holiday enjoyment, versus being outright glutinous: Ask yourself — Is this a special treat for the holidays? Will this increase my enjoyment of this special occasion? Alternatively, am I only eating/drinking this because I feel guilty with what I’ve already consumed? Be intentional and selective about what you choose to put into your body. Make sure the content, no matter the nutritional value, is going to ultimately add to your overall happiness. Set standards and demand nothing less. Rid yourself of the need to deem certain evenings to be “bad,†or guilt-ridden. View the overall subject of what may be the tempting holiday treats in light that your health is the most important, irreplaceable asset. 5.) Realize health is invaluable. The purpose behind tips like this is so that you continue to live your best life. You deserve happiness. You deserve to feel satisfaction inside your body and the way to survive these holidays is to maintain priority of taking care of yourself. Come 2019, the only New Years Resolution you’ll make is to help show others the healthy balance you’ve been able to strike! What tricks do you use to help you stay fit and healthy during the holidays?
