17 plants Tropical canna lily ideas

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Canna Red Tiger PP 30655

Canna Red Tiger PP 30655 -   17 plants Tropical canna lily ideas

Canna ‘Red Tiger’ Canna ‘Red Tiger’ is the Kardashian of the plant world…hot, loud, and screaming “look at me”. From a backyard plant breeder in Thailand, Canna ‘Red Tiger’ is the first of a new series of amazing variegated cannas from Thailand breeder, Somchai Prukngen. For us, Canna ‘Red Tiger’ forms a 5′ tall clump of creamy yellow and green striped leaves, topped with large cherry red flowers…what a sight to behold. Supplies are still limited, so don’t miss being the first on the block to have your neighbors screaming for joy…or reporting you for having plants that are too loud for your HOA sound ordinance.
