16 planting succulents string of pearls ideas

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String of pearls

String of pearls -   16 planting succulents string of pearls ideas
Start tab labels Description Light/Soil/Water Hardiness Start tab content This listing features our beautiful rooted Senecio Rowleyanus ‘String of Pearls’ in 2/4/6 inch size. Senecio Rowleyanus, native to Namibia, Africa, has pendant stems to 3′ or more with unusual round “leaves” giving the impression of a “String of pearls plant”. Both the stems and leaves are green. Pearl plant is beautiful in a hanging basket, and can be inside the house in a bright airy room, or outside in a protected patio. Bright light with ample airflow is recommended therefore outdoor in the shade is preferable. Protect from frost.See more about How to Care for String of Pearls. Light shade. Well-drained soil. Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch, then let drain completely. Avoid letting water sit for too long in the soil to prevent rot and fungal diseases. Reduce watering to a minimum in the winter. Small, white flowers that smell like cinnamon. Can be toxic to humans and animals USDA Zone 8a to 10b: from -12.2 °C (10 °F) to 1.7 °C (35 °F).