16 garden design Inspiration building ideas

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Square Foot Gardening Layout

Square Foot Gardening Layout -   16 garden design Inspiration building ideas
Square foot gardening is becoming increasingly popular, whether you have lots of area to garden outdoors or not. This smart approach to gardening has so many advantages, plus we love the way that it looks in your back yard. There’s something about the neat and organized raised beds, filled with nutritious herbs and vegetables, that just makes us smile!

Square foot gardening layouts are great space savers, which is good for both you and the environment. They are a great option for those who have limited outdoor space, or would just like to use their outdoor space for something else (did someone hear a kid begging for a swing set?). Eco-friendly square foot gardening containers also require fewer resources to grow, as you don’t waste water or fertilizer between rows.

Planting your vegetables closer together means that there is less space for weeds to grow, which is good news for everyone!

To start your garden, you will need to build yourself a box to garden in and fill it with dirt. You can use this handy guide to getting started with your square foot garden. It even helps you calculate how much soil you will need for the size of your garden.

Another thing that we love about this gardening method is that you can adjust the size of your garden to meet the needs of your space. Do you only have room for a 3 foot by 3 foot garden? No problem! Make your custom garden design and fill it with all of your favorite veggies.


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