14 healthy recipes steak ideas

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Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll Recipe

Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll Recipe -   14 healthy recipes steak

Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll Recipe #Steak #fajitas #lowcarb #keto I was totally worried the first time I made these in the oven, I was like is the steak gonna cook right? What if it’s tough? What if it’s got a weird color? Blah, blah. I had a lot of worries that first time. But I’ve been making these for weeks now without anything going array, so I knew that I had to share with y’all Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds fl?nk ste?k 2 bell peppers ?ny color 1 bunch b?by ?sp?r?gus 1 sm?ll red onion 2 t?blespoons olive oil Hot s?uce g?rnish Toothpicks Spice mix 1 te?spoon chili powder 1 te?spoon p?prik? 1 te?spoon g?rlic powder 1 te?spoon cumin 1/2 te?spoon dried oreg?no 1 te?spoon se? s?lt 1/4 te?spoon fresh ground pepper Instructions In ? sm?ll bowl, mix together se?soning mix. Set ?side. St?rting on one long edge, use ? sh?rp knife to butterfly the fl?nk ste?k, cutting it open p?r?llel to the cutting bo?rd, so it c?n open like ? book with two thin l?yers. Stretch the fl?nk ste?k out ?nd cover with pl?stic wr?p. Use ? me?t m?llet (tenderizer or rolling pin) to pound the thickest sections cre?ting one even thin piece of fl?nk ste?k, double the length of the origin?l. Remove the pl?stic ?nd sprinkle se?soning mix over both sides of the ste?k. Then cut the fl?nk ste?k into twelve segments, ?pproxim?tely 2.5 X 5 inches long. NOTE: If it is e?sier to work with, you c?n cut into strips, ?nd butterfly those then pound so you ?re working with sm?ller pieces. Seed the bell peppers ?nd slice into thin strips. Trim the ends of the ?sp?r?gus so the tops ?re ?bout the s?me length ?s the bell peppers. Disc?rd the ends. Peel the onion ?nd cut into thin wedges. Put ? c?st iron skillet over high he?t, ?nd he?t without ?dding ?ny liquid or oil. Once hot, ?dd the . peppers, ?sp?r?gus ?nd onions into the p?n, ?nd give them sp?ce. Work in b?tches to blister them in ? dry p?n without crowding them. Le?ve them in only 1-2 minutes per b?tch, to cre?te ch?r m?rks. Then remove. Lower the he?t to medium-high. L?y sever?l pepper strips, ?sp?r?gus spe?rs, ?nd onion wedges ?cross e?ch fl?nk ste?k strip. Wr?p the fl?nk ste?k tightly ?round the veggies ?nd secure the ends with ? toothpick. ?dd 1 t?blespoon oil to the p?n ?nd he?t. Once hot, ?dd 6 rolls to the skillet. Se?r 1-2 minutes per side, rot?ting to se?r ?ll sides. Cook the rolls ?pproxim?tely 5-6 minutes tot?l, for medium-r?re ste?k. Remove the rolls ?nd repe?t with the rem?ining oil ?nd rolls. Top with hot s?uce if desired. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on LinkedIn
