How to Make B Vitamin Water- for natural energy. -Sprig of rosemary (B1) -1 sliced lemon (B2) -1 Peach (B3) -5 or 6 chunks of Watermelon or Pineapple (B6) -Handful of raspberries (B5) Infuse in fridge


How to Make B Vitamin Water- for natural energy. -Sprig of rosemary (B1) -1 sliced lemon (B2) -1 Peach (B3) -5 or 6 chunks of Watermelon or Pineapple (B6) -Handful of raspberries (B5) Infuse in fridge

How to Make B Vitamin Water- for natural energy. -Sprig of rosemary (B1) -1 sliced lemon (B2) -1 Peach (B3) -5 or 6 chunks of Watermelon or Pineapple (B6) -Handful of raspberries (B5) Infuse in fridge f

Source: HERE
